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How to Duplicate a Blueprint


Sometimes, you'll want to re-use the existing components of a Blueprint with only a few slight changes. In these cases, duplication will allow you to avoid the hassle of manually repeating an existing configuration. This how to guide will walk you through the steps to duplicate a Blueprint.


Step 1 - Navigate to the Blueprint​

  1. Click the Blueprints navigation button on the side navigation.
  2. Find the Blueprint that you want to duplicate.
  3. Hover over the actions menu and click the Duplicate option.

You've now successfully duplicated a Blueprint and can see it in the Blueprints list.

Step 2 - Edit the Duplicate​

While the Blueprint has been successfully duplicated, it is only differentiated from the original by random digits appended to the end of the name. We recommend making a few adjustments before moving on.

  1. Click on the new Blueprint's name to open it.
  2. Click on the Settings tab.
  3. Set your Blueprint's visibility.
  4. Decide on a new Blueprint name.
  5. Make any other minor tweaks you want.
  6. Click Save.