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Timestamps and Timezones


Throughout the application, you'll see timestamps for the following pieces of information:

  • Last Update
  • Last Run
  • Created At
  • Expected Start
  • Start Time
  • End Time

These timestamps are commonly shown on the Logs Tab or within a Table. Timestamps are always displayed in the timezone that your computer is currently set to, which should usually be the timezone where you are physically located.

In the settings of a project, you're able to set the project's timezone. This setting only affects the timezone used for Schedule Triggers, not how those times are displayed throughout the project.


  • You have a project named Playground with Pacific Time selected.
  • Your computer is set to Eastern Time.
  • You schedule a Vessel in the project Playground to run at 12:00 PM.
  • On the Logs, the Vessel will show that it is scheduled to run at 3:00 PM.
  • On the Triggers tab, the Vessel will show that it is scheduled to run at 12:00.