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How to See All Available Files in a Fleet


When running a Fleet, every Vessel that either generates or downloads files can share the contents with other Vessels in the Fleet. Sometimes it can be difficult to remember the names and locations of the files that are available. This how to guide will walk you through the steps to easily show all available files in a Fleet.


  1. Find the Fleet that you want to edit and hover over the actions vertical-dot menu.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Click the plus icon along the left side of the Fleet Builder sidebar.
  4. Select the Bash option from the Code Vessels dropdown.
  5. In the sidebar, name your file
  6. Ensure the code section is set to Write and paste in ls -a -R. This script lists all files in every directory.
  7. Add the Vessel to the Fleet and connect it to existing Vessels. We recommend connecting it towards the end of the Fleet. Location matters!
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Run Now.
  10. Once the Fleet has finished running, navigate to the Log for the Bash Vessel you just added. You should see an output that shows all of the available files in the Fleet.

You've successfully created a Vessel that lists all the files in your Fleet.