Connecting Snowflake to Shipyard requires you to have:
- Shipyard IP Addresses whitelisted
- A Snowflake account with read/write access to the database and all associated tables/views you wish to access. We recommend setting up an account specifically for Shipyard access.
- A warehouse that the account has access to. We recommend setting up a warehouse specifically for Shipyard queries.
Whitelisting Shipyard IP Addressesβ
- Log into your Snowflake Account.
- Open a new worksheet.
- Paste the following script in the worksheet
ALLOWED_IP_LIST = ('', '', '', '');
- Click Run
- Log into your Snowflake Account.
- Open a new worksheet.
- Paste the following script in the worksheet, updating
with the correct value.
SET ALLOWED_IP_LIST = ('', '', '', '');
- Click Run
Creating a Snowflake Role and User for Shipyardβ
This guide will walk you through the process required to create a unique role and user account for Shipyard to access your Snowflake Database.
CAUTION: You can always use your own credentials, but this gives you less control over security logging and data access.
- Log into your Snowflake Account.
- Open a new worksheet. Select the checkbox to run "All Queries".
- Paste the following script in the worksheet, changing the variables at the top as needed.
-- create variables for role, user, and password (values must be in ALL_CAPS)
SET USER_PASSWORD = 'randompassword789';
-- change role to securityadmin for set role and user
USE ROLE securityadmin;
-- create role for shipyard
CREATE ROLE IF NOT EXISTS identifier($role_name);
GRANT ROLE identifier($role_name) TO ROLE SYSADMIN;
-- create a user for shipyard
CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS identifier($user_name)
PASSWORD = $user_password
DEFAULT_ROLE = $role_name;
GRANT ROLE identifier($role_name) TO USER identifier($user_name);
Giving the Shipyard Role Warehouse Accessβ
This guide will walk you through the process required to either create a unique warehouse for Shipyard to run queries against your Snowflake Database, or give the newly created Shipyard Role access to an existing warehouse.
- Log into your Snowflake Account.
- Open a new worksheet. Select the checkbox to run "All Queries".
- Paste the following script in the worksheet, changing the variables at the top as needed.
-- create variables for user / password / role / warehouse / database (needs to be uppercase for objects)
set role_name = 'SHIPYARD_ROLE';
set user_name = 'SHIPYARD_USER';
set warehouse_name = 'SHIPYARD_WAREHOUSE';
-- change role to sysadmin for warehouse steps
use role sysadmin;
-- create a warehouse for shipyard. Remove this if you would like to use an existing warehouse
create warehouse if not exists identifier($warehouse_name)
warehouse_size = xsmall
warehouse_type = standard
auto_suspend = 60
auto_resume = true
initially_suspended = true;
-- grant shipyard role access to warehouse
grant USAGE
on warehouse identifier($warehouse_name)
to role identifier($role_name);
-- change role to securityadmin for user updates
use role securityadmin;
-- set default warehouse for shipyard user
ALTER USER IF EXISTS identifier($user_name)
SET DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE = $warehouse_name;
- Click Run.
CAUTION: Using an existing Warehouse may result in Shipyard processes contendending for resources.
- Log into your Snowflake Account.
- Open a new worksheet. Select the checkbox to run "All Queries".
- Paste the following script in the worksheet, changing the variables at the top as needed.
-- create variables for role, user, and warehouse (values must be in ALL_CAPS)
set role_name = 'SHIPYARD_ROLE';
set user_name = 'SHIPYARD_USER';
set warehouse_name = 'SHIPYARD_WAREHOUSE';
-- change role to sysadmin for warehouse steps
use role sysadmin;
-- grant shipyard role access to warehouse
grant USAGE
on warehouse identifier($warehouse_name)
to role identifier($role_name);
-- change role to securityadmin for user updates
use role securityadmin;
-- set default warehouse for shipyard user
ALTER USER IF EXISTS identifier($user_name)
SET DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE = $warehouse_name;
- Click Run.
Giving Snowflake Database Access to Shipyard Userβ
This guide will walk you through the process required to give database access to a Shipyard account so you can run queries against it.
- Log into your Snowflake Account.
- Open a new worksheet.
- Paste the following script in the worksheet, changing the variables at the top as needed. This script will grant all privledges to all the current and future tables/views that exist within the specified database.
-- create variables for role and database (values must be in ALL_CAPS)
set role_name = 'SHIPYARD_ROLE';
set database_name = 'DEMO_DB';
-- grant shipyard access to database
grant ALL
on database identifier($database_name)
to role identifier($role_name);
grant all
on all tables
in database identifier($database_name)
to role identifier($role_name);
grant all
on all views
in database identifier($database_name)
to role identifier($role_name);
grant all
on future tables
in database identifier($database_name)
to role identifier($role_name);
grant all
on future views
in database identifier($database_name)
to role identifier($role_name);
NOTE: You can adjust this script as needed if you want Shipyard to have stricter access to your database.
Authenticating with a Private Keyβ
- To generate a private key file, run the following in the terminal
openssl genrsa 2048 | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -out rsa_key.p8
NOTE: You will need to generate a passphrase to open the private key file. Be sure to save this passphrase as you will need to pass it as an input in Shipyard
- Once the private key file is generated, created a corresponding public key by running the following in the terminal
openssl rsa -in rsa_key.p8 -pubout -out
- Assign the public key to appropriate user by running an
NOTE: Only security administrators (i.e. users with the SECURITYADMIN role) or higher can alter a user. Aslo be sure to exclude the public key delimiters in the SQL statement.
- Verify the User's Public Key Fingerprint by running a DESCRIBE commandThe fields
DESC USER jsmith;
should both be populated.
For more information, visit the Snowflake Documentation