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Asana Authorization

In order to get started with the Asana blueprints, you need to provide Shipyard with an Access Token, a Workspace ID, and optionally a Project ID.

Access Token​

To retreive an Access Token from Asana, go to the Settings page in your profile:

From the settings view, select the apps tab and then select Manage Developer Apps:

You will then be able to generate an access token. Keep in mind to copy and save it.

Workspace ID​

In order to retrieve the Workspace ID for the Create Task blueprint, ensure you are logged in to Asana and then click this link. You will be directed to a page that looks something like this:

. Copy the appropriate value from the guid field.

Project ID​

The project ID can be accessed via the url. For instance, given the link, the Project ID would be 1204763328054774.