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How to Create a New Blueprint


When you use a solution over and over again, it's a good idea to turn it into a Blueprint. This how to guide will walk you through the steps needed to create a repeatable solution as a Blueprint.


Step 1 - Initial Setup​

  1. Navigate to your organization's Blueprints using the side navigation.
  2. Click the Add Blueprint button in the top-right.
  3. Select the language that you want to use to build your Blueprint.

Step 2 - Create Inputs​

All of the information on this tab is optional, but strongly recommended.

  1. Follow this how to guide on creating Blueprint Variables.
  2. Repeat until you've created all of the variables you need.
  3. Give your Blueprint a description that indicates what exactly it will do.
  4. Click Preview this Blueprint to verify that everything looks exactly as you want.
  5. Click Next Step once you're done.

Step 3 - Provide Code​

All of the information on this tab is required.

  1. Provide the code for your solution, using any of the available methods.
  2. Provide the File to Run to execute your script properly.
  3. Click Next Step once you're done.

Step 4 - Define Requirements​

All of the information on this tab is optional.

  1. Provide any environment variables that your script uses.
  2. Provide any external packages that your script needs to use.
  3. Click Next Step once you're done.

Step 5 - Settings​

  1. Give your Blueprint a unique, descriptive name.
  2. Give your Blueprint a synopsis that describes what it should be used for.
  3. If desired, update the visibility or the guardrails.
  4. Click Save and Finish once you're done

You've now successfully created a Blueprint.