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The API allows for programmatic access to a subset of Shipyard's features. This allows users to write scripts and programs to directly interact with the Shipyard platform instead of through the UI interface.


Shipyard's API is currently only available to customers on paid plans.

Please Note

  1. The API is subject to change. The API is tightly coupled with the front end of the application, which is subject to change between releases. While endpoints usually won’t change that much, if you write code to use the API, you might have to update it in the future.
  2. The API isn’t versioned. This means that functionality can change version to version, so don’t expect to stay on a particular version of Shipyard in order to use a β€œstable” API.


In order to interact with the API, an API key is required.

  1. Navigate to your user's Settings page

Settings page API keys

  1. On the right side of the page, enter a name in the API key name text field
  2. Click the Create API Key button

API keys add new key

  1. Copy the generated API key value - this is the only time the value will be available

API keys generated API key value


Treat all API keys like passwords and do not commit them to code or share them with unauthorized parties

Access for an API key can be revoked by clicking the Delete button next to its name in the list.


These are the currently available endpoints as well as example requests and responses. Note that the ID values would be substituted for the actual UUID values in a real-world request. The API key is the example one generated in the Authorization section above.

The response code snippets have been truncated for brevity.

List Organizations​


curl --header "X-Shipyard-API-Key: <api_key>"


"data_kind": "organizations",
"data": [
"id": "<org_id>",
"name": "example organization",
"created_at": "2019-08-22T21:53:30.095954Z",

List Organization Fleets​


curl<org_id>/fleets --header "X-Shipyard-API-Key: <api_key>"


"data_kind": "fleets",
"data": [
"org_id": "<org_id>",
"id": "<fleet_id>",
"name": "confident_oyster",
"pallet_ids": [
"created_at": "2022-07-21T21:37:30.623386Z",
"vessel_dag": {
"vertices": [
"versions": [
"edges": []

Get Fleet​


curl<org_id>/projects/<project_id>/fleets/<fleet_id> --header "X-Shipyard-API-Key: <api key>"


The Fleet is returned in FAC YAML format.

name: example fleet

Upsert Fleet​


curl -X PUT<org_id>/projects/<project_id>/fleets --data-binary @fleet.yaml --header "Content-type: application/yaml" --header "X-Shipyard-API-Key: <api_key>"

The contents of fleet.yaml would be in the required FAC format.


The Fleet is returned in FAC YAML format.

name: example fleet

List Fleet Runs​


curl<org_id>/projects/<project_id>/fleets/<fleet_id>/runs --header "X-Shipyard-API-Key: <api_key>"


The Fleet Runs are returned in CSV format.

Fleet ID,Fleet Name,Fleet Version,...
fleet_id,example fleet,1,...

Below is a reference table for the Fleet Runs CSV.

Fleet IDThe UUID of the associated Fleet
Fleet NameThe name of the associated Fleet
Fleet VersionThe version number of the associated Fleet
Fleet Log IDThe UUID of the Fleet Run log
StatusThe status the Fleet Run completed in
Start TimeThe time the Fleet Run started
End TimeThe time the Fleet Run ended
DurationThe length of time the Fleet Run ran for
Billable RuntimeThe length of time the Fleet Run ran the customer will be billed for
Vessels CountThe number of Vessels in the associated Fleet
TriggerThe method the Fleet Run was started by

Trigger Fleet Runs​


This request triggers a fleet to run with the option to override environment variables. It will always trigger the latest version of the fleet.

curl -X POST<org_id>/projects/<project_id>/fleets/<fleet_id>/fleetruns --header "X-Shipyard-API-KEY: <api_key>" -data '{json_data}'

As an example, the contents of json_data are:

"vessel_overrides": [
"name": "Vessel A",
"environment_variable_overrides": {
"ENV_VAR_1": "One",
"ENV_VAR_2": "Two",
"ENV_VAR_3": "Three",
"explicit_empty": "",
"explicit_do_not_set": null
"name": "Vessel B",
"environment_variable_overrides": {
"ENV_VAR_A": "Apple",
"ENV_VAR_B": "Blossom",
"ENV_VAR_C": "Chai"

There are several things to note regarding the json payload.

  1. The name value is the name of the Vessel that you'd like to override.

  2. environment_variable_overrides are the environment variables you'd like to override.

  3. Replace the left-hand side with the name of the environment variable you'd like to override and the right-hand side with the new value.

    Note: This is case sensitive.

  4. If the environment variable override value is an empty string "", the variable will be overridden and set to empty.

  5. If the environment variable override value is null or none, that value will be ignored and not set.

  6. If the environment variable override is not provided, the value set in the UI will be used.


The response is returned in JSON format.

"request" : {
"id" : "955939cc-2b90-4b8e-bf23-7375cd87822b"
"data" : {
"fleet_id" : "cc3737df-06ee-431a-8f87-1e79f1eed6d6",
"project_id" : "d1680f76-3b3c-420e-bbf3-9d62c6a2b450",
"org_id" : "2d52c575-989e-4642-bc63-c63408ee3fd8",
"fleet_run_id" : "ad4d4655-91fd-4499-9a1a-06d6e8a433d4"
"log": "<org_name>/projects/<project_id>/fleets/<fleet_id>/logs/<fleet_run_id>"

After a successful Fleet run trigger, the Fleet will run with the environment variables defined in the payload being overridden.

List Voyages​


This request returns 3 days of the Voyages in the requested Organization.

curl<org_id>/voyages --header "X-Shipyard-API-Key: <api_key>"


The Voyages are returned in CSV format.

Fleet ID,Fleet Name,Fleet Version,...
fleet_id,example fleet,1,...

Below is a reference table for the Fleet Runs CSV.

Fleet IDThe UUID of the Fleet
Fleet NameThe name of the Fleet
Fleet VersionThe version number of the Fleet
Fleet Log IDThe UUID of the Fleet log
Fleet Log TriggerThe method the Fleet was started by
Fleet Log StatusThe status the Fleet completed in
Vessel Log IDThe UUID of the Vessel log
Vessel StatusThe status the Vessel completed in
Vessel NameThe name of the Vessel
Vessel TriggerThe method the Vessel was started by
RetriesThe number of times the Vessel attempted to run
Exit CodeThe final exit code for the Vessel final run
Vessel Start TimeThe time the Vessel started
Vessel End TimeThe time the Vessel ended
DurationThe length of time the Fleet ran for
Billable RuntimeThe length of time the Fleet ran the customer will be billed for

Create External File​


This request is used to upload a file containing the code to be executed as part of a Vessel. Note that it is a prerequisite for Create Blueprint and optionally Updated Blueprint endpoints below.

curl -X POST<org_id>/temporary_external_files --header "X-Shipyard-API-Key: <api_key>" -F

As an example, the contents of are:

print('hello, world!')


The response is returned in JSON format.


The request ID and external file URL will both be used in subsequent requests to the API.

Create Blueprint​


The request creates a new Organization Blueprint under the specified Organization.

curl -X POST<org_id>/blueprints --header "X-Shipyard-API-Key: <api_key>" -d @blueprint.json

As an example, the contents of blueprint.json are:

"name": "test blueprint",
"synopsis": "example synopsis",
"description": "example description",
"state": 3,
"pallet_type": 2,
"pallet_config": {
"version": "3.7",
"command": {
"program": "python3",
"file_to_run": ""
"external_file": {
"temp": {
"file_name": "",
"id": "<request_id>",
"url": "s3://production-shipyard-uploads-tmp/tmp/organizations/<org_id>/requests/<request_id>.sefv2_<file_id>"
"spec_list": [
"display_name": "First Input",
"name": "FIRST_INPUT",
"type": 1,
"required": false,
"placeholder": "Enter a first input",
"description": "A first input",
"default": "example_value",
"type_spec": {
"multiline": false
"retry_strategy": {
"number_of_retries": 3,
"ttr": 900
"runtime_timeout": 2700,
"exclude_exit_code_ranges": [

There are several things to note regarding the blueprint.json payload.

  1. state value options are 1 (Disabled), 2 (Draft), and 3 (Enabled).
  2. pallet_type value options are 2 (Python), 3 (Bash), and 7 (Node).
  3. program value options are python3, bash, and node and should correspond with pallet_type.
  4. type for a spec_list object value options are 1 (String), 2 (Integer), 3 (Floating), 4 (Boolean), 5 (Date), 6 (Select), 7 (Password), 8 (External file). For select input types, the type_spec field will be an array of objects containing name and value fields and a default selection must be made corresponding to one of the object name fields.
  5. number_of_retries can be between 0 and 24.
  6. ttr can be between 0 and 3600 in increments of 300.
  7. runtime_timeout can be between 300 and 3600.
  8. exclude_exit_code_ranges may contain an array of arrays each with two integers between 1 and 255 - in the example above, the exit codes 1, 3, 4, and 5 are ignored.
  9. external_file holds a temp field with an object with id and url keys - these are populated using the RequestID and ExternalFile values from the Create External File response above in this example.


The response is returned in JSON format. Below is a truncated example of the output.

"data_kind": "blueprint",
"data": {
"org_id": "<org_id>",
"id": "<blueprint_id>",

Update Blueprint​


This updates an existing Blueprint and has many similarities with the Create Blueprint endpoint above.

curl -X POST<org_id>/blueprints/<blueprint_id> --header "X-Shipyard-API-Key: <api_key>" -d @blueprint_updates.json

The same blueprint.json payload options in Create Blueprint maybe be used in Update Blueprint however pallet_type cannot change and the pallet_config field temp may be updated with new id and url values if a new external file has been generated via Create External File above.

Any fields omitted from blueprint_updates.json will not be updated in the request. In order to update the spec_list, you will need to include the id key and value from the Create Blueprint response above in the relevant spec_list object. Any spec_list objects in the array that do not include an id field will be attempted to be added as new input variables.


The response is returned in JSON format. Below is a truncated example of the output.

"data_kind": "blueprint",
"data": {
"org_id": "<org_id>",
"id": "<blueprint_id>",