Why Low-Code for Data Orchestration?
Captain's Compass

Why Low-Code for Data Orchestration?

Steven Johnson
Steven Johnson

Today, we delve into a question that frequently pops up within the Shipyard community as well as across broader data-focused Slack and Reddit communities: Why is there such a pronounced focus on open source low-code blueprints or templates at Shipyard, unlike other orchestration tools in the market?

But note, Shipyard isn't only no or low code. If you want to change any of your blueprints with your own code, go for it. If you'd like to fully code in Shipyard, you can do that too. And what's more, you're not limited to Python.

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The Benefits of Low Code: Speed and ROI

The primary reason Shipyard emphasizes low-code solutions is that it allows businesses to hit the ground running and begin generating return on investment (ROI) rapidly. By taking away the initial 'grunt work' of coding, we free you to concentrate on resolving business problems instead of getting mired in the code.

Consider one of our most common use cases: extracting a query from Snowflake, storing the data as a CSV file, and subsequently emailing it. Instead of burdening you with writing the scripts to manage data size and schema issues, we handle that so you can concentrate on writing your query and delivering that CSV file to your business users. There's no need to fret over Python code – we've got that part covered.

Inclusivity: Getting the Full Team Involved

Shipyard's approach also encourages a more inclusive, team-based environment. The heavy lifting often falls on the shoulders of data engineers or data scientists, who already have complex tasks they're more inclined to tackle. Our low-code blueprints relieve some of this pressure, enabling business users to step in and leverage their data more effectively.

With a straightforward point-and-click, drag-and-drop interface, users can build pipelines to address their specific needs without ever having to ping the data engineers. It's a less intimidating, more user-friendly approach, devoid of complicated Python code.

Flexibility: Low Code and Custom Scripts Living in Harmony

While we firmly believe in the transformative power of our low-code blueprints for businesses, we understand that they may not be the one-size-fits-all solution for every organization. Recognizing the diverse use cases that exist, Shipyard offers the flexibility to write your own Python, Bash, and Node scripts alongside our low-code blueprints.

And the beauty of it is they don't have to exist separately. You can transition from a low-code blueprint to your custom script and back to another blueprint as needed. At Shipyard, we believe in enabling these low-code templates and your custom code to coexist harmoniously.

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