Shipyard Achieves HIPAA Compliance: A Testament to Our Commitment to Data Security and Patient Privacy
Security Product Updates

Shipyard Achieves HIPAA Compliance: A Testament to Our Commitment to Data Security and Patient Privacy

Steven Johnson
Steven Johnson
Shipyard's HIPAA Compliance Announcement

This accomplishment signifies a significant milestone for Shipyard and reinforces its position as a trusted entity in the data operations and orchestration space. The attainment of HIPAA compliance reflects Shipyard's unwavering dedication to protecting patient data and upholding the highest standards of confidentiality.

We obtained our audited HIPAA compliance by partnering with Johanson Group who respectively review our internal controls including policies, procedures, and infrastructure regarding data security, firewall configurations, change management, logical access, backup management, business continuity and disaster recovery, security incident response, and other critical areas of
our business.

Thanks to a company-wide effort here at Shipyard, and with the help of our trusted partner Johanson Group, we successfully achieved HIPAA compliance and received an Auditor’s Report, which we are happy to share with you to prove to you that our policies, procedures, and infrastructure meet or exceed the HIPAA criteria.

In fact, by partnering with Johanson Group, we can confidently say we go above and beyond the minimum requirements for HIPAA by integrating our critical infrastructure to monitor compliance to the HIPAA framework 24/7/354, not just during the audit window.

We believe the relationship with our customers must be built on trust. The successful completion of our HIPAA Report is one of many ways that we earn and retain that trust.

HIPAA Compliance is just one aspect of our growing security program. We are committed to continually improving our information security program and retaining an annual HIPAA Compliance audit to ensure we keep supporting our customers’ needs.

You can read more about all of the things Shipyard does to secure your data processes at our trust center.

Curious to learn more about our security protocols and see how we can help you with data? Schedule a consultation with our data experts.