Leading Financial Services Company Saves Well Over 100 Hours Each Year, Requires No Data Engineering Time, and Improves Customer Satisfaction with Shipyard

For the purpose of this case study, the Shipyard customer has chosen to remain anonymous. They’ll simply be referred to throughout as Brunswick Financial. The Shipyard user will be referred to as Owen Travis. Should you wish to use them as a reference when evaluating Shipyard, that can be arranged.

Brunswick Financial is a leading payment company that offers secure and efficient card and ACH processing solutions to both SMB and enterprise customers.

One of the fastest growing companies in North America, Brunswick Financial faced the challenge of managing and processing a huge amount of transactional reports.

“We were adding many new customers, and the number of reports we had to generate was growing exponentially,” said Owen Travis, Enterprise Integrations Specialist for Brunswick Financial. The manual processing of these reports was requiring more and more of Travis and team’s time.

“It was clear to us that this was going to become unsustainable. We had to free up more time to focus on other priorities to better serve our customers. This made acting quickly to automate and orchestrate our processes and improve our overall efficiency our top priorities,” Travis said.

So began Brunswick Financial’s search for a data operations partner.

“Time for us wasn’t just about generating reports,” said Travis. “Time was about speed to deploy. It was about learning to use a data operations platform. It was about not having to rely on data engineers to set up our pipelines and do custom development work.”

Quick and Inexpensive Deployment

Travis learned quickly that most data operations vendors, at best, implement and launch their solutions in weeks. In most cases it takes months. “Besides the time, custom development work is almost always required. This represents an additional cost for us, and it’s one that would never go away with nearly all of the solutions we were considering.

“It was very clear that we could implement Shipyard and then build and orchestrate workflows without custom development work. That wasn’t the case with the other vendors we were considering,” said Travis.

“I’m not a technical person, I just wanted a solution that’s easy to set up and use and doesn’t require me to continually bring in costly data engineers.

“We didn’t have to rope in developers to implement Shipyard. Implementation was days as opposed to weeks or months. We were up and using Shipyard in what felt like no time.”

Easy to Use

Most data operations tools are built only for data engineers. “They’re extremely busy and their time is extremely expensive,” Travis said. “Our goal was to find a platform that allowed largely non-technical people like me and my team to use it. Finding a vendor that was built for this was a must.” Ultimately, Travis and team decided that Shipyard was the only platform that checked all of their boxes.

Shipyard is built for people of all technical backgrounds. “Everyone can use Shipyard. There’s no discrimination in terms of who can use it,” continued Travis. “For example, I was really comfortable using Shipyard in the first few days after implementing it.

“In fact, I taught others how to use it. There’s not much of a learning curve. I highly recommend Shipyard to any technical and non-technical person for their data operations journey.

This focus on time made coming up with the selection criteria for a data operations platform straightforward for Travis and Brunswick Financial. “We were evaluating data operations vendors on three things. First, time and cost to implement and launch. Second, ease of use for non-technical and technical people. Third, a significant improvement in efficiency and time savings. And major bonus points for great customer support.”

Efficiency Gains

“Increasing customer satisfaction is my team’s main goal,” said Travis. “Shipyard has been instrumental in terms of doing this. Shipyard saves us more than two hours a week, well over 100 hours each year. We’re using this additional time to focus on other priorities that benefit our customers rather than worrying about our pipelines.”

By implementing Shipyard, Brunswick Financial has achieved other significant benefits.

“With Shipyard, we were able to centralize data operations, giving us a single source of truth for fast data access, analysis, and reporting. This is super important. It’s really easy to see what’s happening at all times from one tool, rather than dealing with several which was wasting a lot of everyone’s time.

“Shipyard was also the most cost effective data operations platform, especially in terms of the breadth of their feature set,” Travis said. He and his team also got their added bonus. “Shipyard’s customer service is always fantastic. Their team immediately jumped onto calls whenever I needed help. And the culture of treating smaller customers the same as even their largest customers makes for a great partnership.


Brunswick Financial also achieved what it cared about most when setting out on its data operations journey with Shipyard.

As a payment company handling sensitive financial data, compliance with state and federal regulations was of utmost importance. Shipyard's data security features ensured that Brunswick Financial met strict compliance standards.


“We’re continuing to quickly grow,” Travis said. “Shipyard has proven its scalability and reliability as our transaction volumes continue increasing.”

“And the main benefit of having Shipyard is that it makes everyone’s lives a lot easier. We’ll continue using Shipyard for the unforeseeable future.”

One last thing.

“My colleague told me to tell Shipyard how much I love them,” concluded Travis.